Language Learning in Study Abroad

Language Learning in Study Abroad: Social, Cultural, and Identity-Related Factors: Erasmus Students in Northern, Southern, and Eastern-European English as a Lingua Franca Contexts

Vasilica Mocanu

Universidad de Salamanca


Palabras clave: study abroad, language learning, determinants for language learning in study abroad

Publicado 12 julio 2023

  • Sinopsis
  • Cómo citar

Study abroad has been a matter of concern in sociolinguistics for a few decades now. Nevertheless, research on study abroad has rarely combined the study of sociolinguistic aspects with the analysis of perceived language-related gains. Similarly, there has been a lack of studies integrating qualitative and quantitative methods in SA research. Thus, the present volume comes as a response to the need to triangulate sociolinguistic aspects with perceived language-related gains, qualitative and quantitative methods, in three different European contexts, and participants from almost every corner in Europe for a deeper understanding of the study abroad phenomenon on the European continent.

Mocanu, V. (2023). Language Learning in Study Abroad: Social, Cultural, and Identity-Related Factors: Erasmus Students in Northern, Southern, and Eastern-European English as a Lingua Franca Contexts. Publicacions De La Universitat De València. Recuperado a partir de