Feeding the Future: Text Typology in Agri-Food Translation


Publicado 25 febrero 2021

  • Sinopsis
  • Cómo citar

The agri-food sector encompasses an extremely wide range of activities regarding the entire value chain of a product and generates a huge volume of work for translators. Nevertheless, the sheer proportion has yet to be truly reflected in academic studies and research. This work intends to shed light on the vague, and barely addressed until now, delimitation of the area of activity of the multifaceted and versatile agri-food translator. Through a text typologisation of genres and subgenres, within the margins of hybridity, specialisation and register, this work approaches the characteristics of scientific-technical, medical-health, legal-administrative, humanistic-literary, tourist, advertising and gastronomic and culinary agri-food texts, and assesses the skills required from their translator.

Rivas Carmona, M. del M. «Feeding the Future: Text Typology in Agri-Food Translation». Publicacions De La Universitat De Valencia, febrero de 2021, https://omp.uv.es/index.php/PUV/article/view/220.