Beatriz Reverter Oliver


Beatriz Reverter Oliver holds a degree in Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation, for which she obtained an Academic Excellence Award. In 2015 she completed the Master's Degree in Creative and Humanistic Translation and in 2017, the Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching, for which she also received two Extraordinary Master's Degree Awards. In 2019 she got her PhD with her doctoral thesis Inclusión del alumnado con discapacidad sensorial y traducción audiovisual en las aulas de inglés de las EEOOII de la Comunitat Valenciana, supervised by Dr. Juan José Martínez Sierra. To date, Beatriz has worked as a translator and as a foreign language teacher, both in Spain and in France. She currently works as a French teacher in secondary education, while continuing her research work at university. Her main areas of research are audiovisual translation as a tool for language teaching, inclusive foreign language teaching and accessibility in the media.